
Healthcare Software Development Services & Solutions

Automate your operations, create opportunities for innovation, and deliver more efficient, accurate, and patient-centered healthcare.

Why choose Intellectsoft for your healthcare software development project?

Intellectsoft recognizes emerging trends and offers an extensive portfolio of innovative, scalable healthcare IT solutions, specifically designed for your unique business operations and project requirements. With the cutting edge technology in our healthcare software development services, you will be equipped to provide high quality, insight-driven healthcare.

  • Over 10 years of expertise in the health niche
  • Full cycle development and support
  • Strategic long-term partnerships
  • 17+ years in mobile app and enterprise software development
  • 7 offices in 9 countries to match your time zone
  • Fortune 500 companies in clients list
Healthcare Software Development Picture

Our Clients

From patient information management systems, electronic health records (EHRs), and telehealth services to the more complex Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Intellectsoft has optimized the systems of these healthcare companies.


Healthcare Software Solutions We Provide

Intellectsoft helps you streamline operations with software development services for healthcare customized to your business needs. Our output continuously improves the standards of service quality and overall customer experience you provide and enhances your digital capabilities to measure financial performance.

EMR / EHR Software icon

EMR / EHR Software

Our patient data solutions enable streamlined access for healthcare providers and institutions to historical records and real-time updates.
Ensure patient data accuracy with our Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software and arrive at more efficient patient-related decisions.
Facilitate more secure data sharing between healthcare providers with our Electronic Health Record (EHR) software and improve patient outcomes.

Patient Portals services

Patient Portals

Through these patient relationship management digital platforms, you can minimize paperwork, improve patient interaction, deliver personalized experiences, and boost satisfaction.
These solutions are also equipped with state-of-the-art data analytics tools that offer valuable insights to assist you in transforming and fine-tuning your organization’s connection and engagement strategies with patients.

Medical Image Analysis Software Automation icon

Medical Image Analysis Software

X-rays, CT Scans, MRIs, Ultrasounds, and other microscopic images contain critical information about patients’ health conditions. Our AI-powered application extracts this efficiently and quickly to facilitate diagnosis and predict the results of medical treatment better than humans can.
This tool acts as an assistant to physicians and nurses in supporting patients’ healing journey.

Healthcare Mobile Apps icon

Healthcare Mobile Apps

The topnotch cross-platform mobile application development of Intellectsoft runs on multiple platforms. It reduces your costs, accelerates time-to-market, and reaches more users without loss of quality.
Most importantly, you are able to provide your users with an app that fits their OS, whether on a mobile phone or tablet.

Healthcare Staff Management Software icon

Healthcare Staff Management Software

By reducing bottlenecks and facilitating more informed decision-making, this tool promotes greater efficiency and allows healthcare workers to focus more on patient care rather than mundane administrative tasks.
Empower your medical professionals and practitioners with a simple tool that gives them flexibility and control of schedules and workload.

Telemedicine Apps icon

Telemedicine Apps

Provide healthcare services remotely with our digital solutions which include consultation, diagnosis, treatment, and taking medications in a timely manner. Such benefits are invaluable to high risk and vulnerable individuals during emergencies or health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
These apps may also be used for online education and training of healthcare personnel.

Ready to deliver better patient care?


Our Healthcare Software Projects

Intellectsoft’s pioneering healthcare software solutions are based on years of experience and are designed to offer bespoke, comprehensive tools. These projects demonstrate how our innovations improve the quality of care through minimized errors, reduce costs with maximized administrative efficiency, and expand access to affordable care via user-friendly tools and apps.

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Custom Healthcare Software Development Vs. Ready to Buy Solutions

Custom Healthcare Software Development
Ready to Buy Solutions


  • Scalable as your business grows
  • Features fit business needs perfectly
  • Adaptable to existing tech stack
  • Flexible to technology updates
  • Full ownership and control of data
  • Improves key facets of your business
  • Post-deployment maintenance and support


  • Higher upfront investment
  • Longer timeline of development
  • More effort required in integration with existing systems


  • Affordable initial costs
  • Convenient implementation
  • Faster to deploy
  • Some integrate with existing systems
  • Post-deployment maintenance and support


  • Limited customization and functionalities
  • Potential gaps in processes
  • Possible integration issues
  • Dependency on vendor support
Custom Healthcare Software Development


  • Scalable as your business grows
  • Features fit business needs perfectly
  • Adaptable to existing tech stack
  • Flexible to technology updates
  • Full ownership and control of data
  • Improves key facets of your business
  • Post-deployment maintenance and support


  • Higher upfront investment
  • Longer timeline of development
  • More effort required in integration with existing systems
Ready to Buy Solutions


  • Affordable initial costs
  • Convenient implementation
  • Faster to deploy
  • Some integrate with existing systems
  • Post-deployment maintenance and support


  • Limited customization and functionalities
  • Potential gaps in processes
  • Possible integration issues
  • Dependency on vendor support

Advanced Technologies We Use in Healthcare Software Development

Intellectsoft logo with 2 rings around it, as an image of healthcare software apps and solutions Mobile health icon Telemedicine icon AI in healthcare icon AR and VR in healthcare icon Blockchain in healthcare icon Internet of Medical Things icon
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Telemedicine and Telehealth
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Mobile Health (mHealth)

Key Steps in Our Medical Software Development Process

Our goal in building your healthcare IT infrastructure is to strengthen your ability to deliver excellent services. To achieve this, we follow an end-to-end development roadmap that begins with discovery workshops, progresses to actual implementation, and continues with maintenance and support.

  • planning Planning
    In this discovery phase, we collect all relevant information to develop custom software for your healthcare company while ensuring an accurate understanding of the project’s goal. Our team outlines the architecture, creates a detailed project strategy and plans, keeps risks and budgets in view, and presents a development roadmap.
  • designing Designing
    This phase converts your business requirements into functional elements of healthcare software tailored to your company’s structure and services. We prepare the system and documents according to your specifications and then design the overall architecture and technology stack accordingly.
  • Defining Defining
    Upon completion of the information collection phase, we move forward to defining and documenting the materials needed to develop your custom healthcare software.
  • Building Building
    Our developers start building your digital system by writing code using your selected programming language, techniques, and methodologies.
  • Testing Testing
    When we finish developing your software, we conduct a quality evaluation to find and fix defects prior to launching.
  • Deployment Deployment
    We release the final software to your IT system and check for any deployment issues. In addition, we strive to provide knowledge transfer and share best practices according to health industry standards.
  • Maintenance Maintenance
    According to our medical software development services agreement, we ensure that your business needs continue to be met and that the custom system we built continues to perform as per the specifications mentioned in the first phase (planning). The Intellectsoft long-term account development approach includes comprehensive technical support of continuous software and code maintenance, product improvements and adjustments, and deployment of new features in the future.
Software Development Lifecycle

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What’s Next?

  • We will send a short email notifying you that we successfully received your request and started working on it.
  • Our solution advisor analyzes your requirements and will reach back to you within 3 business days.
  • We may sign an optional mutual NDA within 1-2 business days to make sure you get the highest confidentiality level.
  • Our business development manager presents you an initial project estimation, ballpark figures, or our project recommendations within approximately 3-5 days.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Healthcare CRM Software?

Many factors define the price for custom healthcare software development services, including the type, complexity, size, main features, technologies applied, and development team used in the project.
We invite you to contact us so that our representatives can provide you with cost estimates based on your project details. They will also guide you through our processes and practices. Be assured that Intellectsoft has extensive experience in custom software projects of various complexity levels as well as with development teams of all sizes.

Can I trust your team to ensure data confidentiality?

Intellectsoft is the chosen healthcare software development services provider of global brands such as National Health Service, Clinique, Nestle, Guest Services, and Cirrus Insight. These names underscore our trustworthiness in keeping your data confidential, safe, and secure.

Will we have ownership of the code for the healthcare software?

Absolutely! We sign client services agreements that stipulate the turning over of the healthcare software we develop to our clients, and this includes the code

How long does it take to initiate the healthcare project?

After your free consultation, Intellectsoft will put together a dedicated team of experts who are able to start your healthcare software solutions project in two weeks.

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We have offices in:

San Francisco Oslo New York London

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